1. The Agreement
The agreement consists of terms of sale, information provided in the order and any other agreed terms in written form. If there is any conflicting information, what is agreed between the parties precedes as far as it does not conflict with a law.
2. The Parties
Seller: www.dørdirekte.no is an online store owned by orso Dør Service ApS (which is registered in Denmark under org. 32328296)
The customer / buyer is the consumer who makes the order, and is further referred to as the buyer.
3. Price
The stated price for the item and / or service is the total amount that the buyer will pay. In our store prices are written with VAT included, please take this into consideration. Any costs that the seller has not informed about shall not be borne by the buyer.
4. Payment
Buyer can choose the most suitable payment option from Klarna as our company uses it as a partner for payments in our online store.
If the buyer uses a credit card or debit card while paying for the order, the Klarna can reserve the purchase price on the buyer’s card after confirmation of order. The card is charged the same day the item is shipped.
In case, if the buyer decides to pay by invoice, it is issued upon shipment of the goods. The payment deadline is stated in the invoice and should be paid accordingly.
If a payment is made outside the online store’s payment solution, it will be handled according to their own agreement (between the seller and the buyer).
Buyers under the age of 18 cannot pay for the goods.
5. Delivery
Delivery has occurred when the buyer, or person appointed by the buyer, has taken over the goods or shipment.
If the delivery date is not stated in the order, the seller shall deliver the goods to the buyer no later than 60 days after the order from the buyer. The goods must be delivered to the buyer unless otherwise agreed between the parties.
6. Responsibility Shift
The responsibility or any risk for the goods shifts to the buyer when he or person appointed by the buyer, has received the goods delivered.
7. Right of Withdrawal and Return Policy
As a buyer, you have the opportunity to cancel the purchase according to the provisions of the Right of Withdrawal Act and you have 14 days of cancellation right under the Right of Withdrawal Act (this right applies to standard sizes products only).
You have 14-day withdrawal period cancellation right from the day you received the item. If the deadline should expire on a public holiday, the deadline is extended to the next working day.
When using the right of withdrawal, the customer is responsible for return shipping costs.
When using the cancellation right, download the form and fill out and send to : kundeservice@dordirekte.no within the deadline of 14 days!
If the right of withdrawal is used, the goods must be in same condition as when you received them i.e. they must unused and and undamaged. Return the item in its original condition.
The product must be complete, which means that broken packages or damaged / missing parts of the goods are not accepted in return.
The right of cancellation does not apply to goods that are specially adapted to buyer’s needs (non-standard products, customized goods).
Upon cancellation, you can return the item(s) as follows:
Fill in and return the cancellation form (receive our approval) and return the shipment to:
Medvalakio str. 53, LT-00147 Palanga, Lithuania
Company will return the money after receiving goods back to the above mentioned address and no later than 14 days after this date.
Any refund will be made either through the payment solution that was used, or directly any other if it was agreed previously in written form.
We will check all goods returned to us and reserve the right to withhold full payment or make a partial payment, in case if:
- The product was used.
- The product has been damaged while the customer was responsible (for more information, please read - 6. Responsibility Shift of Terms and Conditions)
- The products have been handled not properly or returned to us damaged because of improper packaging
8. Delay / Non-delivery / Buyer’s Rights and Deadline for Reporting Claim
If the seller does not deliver the goods or delivers them too late in accordance with the agreement between the parties, and this is not due to the buyer or other matters on the buyer’s side, the buyer may, pursuant to the rules of Chapter 5 of the Consumer Purchase Act, demand fulfillment, cancel the agreement and cancel the agreement and / or claim compensation from the seller. oppfyllelse, heve avtalen og/eller kreve erstatning fra selgeren.
In the case of delay, the company will inform the buyer in written form (by e-mail).
The buyer can hold onto the purchase and demand fulfillment from the seller. The buyer cannot demand fulfillment if there is an obstacle that the seller cannot overcome, or if a fulfillment would lead to such a major disadvantage or expense for the seller that it is materially disproportionate to the buyer’s interest in the seller fulfilling. If those problems related with delay are solved within a reasonable time, the buyer can still demand fulfillment.
The buyer will lose his right to demand fulfillment if he/she waits unreasonably long to promote the claim.
If the seller / carrier does not deliver the shipment at the agreed delivery time, the buyer shall encourage the seller to deliver within a reasonable time. If the seller does not deliver the goods within the new, updated deadline, the buyer can cancel the purchase.
The buyer can cancel the purchase immediately if the seller refuses to deliver the goods. The same applies if delivery at the agreed time was decisive for the agreement, or if the buyer has informed the seller that the time of delivery is crucial.
If the shipment is delivered after the deadline the buyer has set or after the time that was decisive for the agreement, the claim for cancellation must be submitted within a reasonable time after the buyer was informed of the delivery.
The buyer may claim damages for losses resulting from the delay. This does not apply if this is due to an obstacle outside the seller’s control which could not have been reasonably taken into account when entering into the agreement, avoided, or the consequences of it.
9. Missing Item /Shipment and Buyer’s Rights and Deadline for Complaints
If there is a defect in the item or shipment, the buyer must give the seller notice about the defect within a reasonable time after it was discovered or should have been discovered. In case, if packaging at the delivery was damaged, it should be pointed to courrier and this should be included in the delivery report. In such a case, the buyer has to notify the company in 3 working days. Complaints can be made no later than five years after the buyer took over the goods.
Dersom varen har en mangel og dette ikke skyldes kjøperen eller forhold på kjøperens side, kan kjøperen i henhold til reglene i forbrukerkjøpsloven kapittel 6 etter omstendighetene holde kjøpesummen tilbake, velge mellom retting and omlevering, kreve prisavslag, kreve avtalen hevet og/eller kreve erstatning fra selgeren.
Complaints to the seller must be made in written form.
Correction or New Delivery
The buyer may choose to claim the defect to be corrected or new delivery of the corresponding item. The seller may nevertheless oppose the buyer’s claim if the execution of the claim is impossible or causes the seller unreasonable costs. Correction or new delivery must be made within a reasonable time. Initially, the seller is not entitled to make more than two new deliveries for the same defect.
Price Reduction
The buyer may demand a suitable price reduction if the item is not rectified or delivered again. This means that the relationship between the reduced and the agreed price corresponds to the ratio between the value of the goods in defective and contractual condition. If there are special reasons for this, the price reduction can instead be set equal to the value of the buyer’s lack.
If the item is not corrected or delivered again, the buyer may also cancel the purchase when the defect is not of a minor nature.
10. The Seller’s Rights at the Buyer’s Default
Dersom kjøperen ikke betaler eller oppfyller de øvrige pliktene etter avtalen eller loven, og dette ikke skyldes selgeren eller forhold på selgerens side, kan selgeren i henhold til reglene i forbrukerkjøpsloven kapittel 9, holde varen tilbake, kreve oppfyllelse av avtalen, kreve avtalen hevet samt kreve erstatning fra kjøperen. Selgeren vil også etter omstendighetene kunne kreve renter ved forsinket betaling, inkassogebyr og et rimelig gebyr ved uavhentede varer.
The seller can maintain the purchase and demand that the buyer pays the purchase price. If the goods are not delivered, the seller loses his right if he waits unreasonably long to promote the claim.
The seller may terminate the agreement if there is a material breach or other material breach by the buyer. However, the seller cannot cancel the purchase if the entire purchase price is paid. If the seller determines a reasonable deadline for fulfillment and the buyer does not pay within this new, updated deadline, the seller may cancel the purchase.
Renter ved forsinket betaling/ inkassogebyr
If the buyer does not pay the purchase price according to the agreement, the seller can claim interest on the purchase price according to the delay interest rate law. In the event of non-payment, the claim, after issuing notice, can be sent to the Buyer and can then be held liable for fee according to the debt collection law.
Fee for Uncollected Non-Prepaid Goods
If the buyer fails to collect unpaid goods, the seller may charge the buyer with a fee. The fee must cover the seller’s actual outlay to deliver the goods to the buyer. Such a fee cannot be charged to buyers under the age of 18.
This also applies if the shipment remains in excess of the contract with the carrier, or as long as the carrier begins to charge the seller for warehouse rent.
11. Warranty
Guarantee given by the seller or the manufacturer gives the buyer rights in addition to the buyer already has by law. Thus, a guarantee does not imply any limitations on the buyer’s right to claim and claims in case of delay or defects according to items 9 and 10 in Terms & Conditions.
12. Personal information
The person responsible for processing personal data collected is the seller. Unless the buyer agrees otherwise, the seller, in accordance with the Personal Data Act, can only collect and store the personal information that is necessary for the seller to be able to carry out the obligations under the agreement. The buyer’s personal information will only be provided to others if it is necessary for the seller to have the agreement with the buyer, or in the legal case.